
Phthalates are a large class of chemicals used in many products to enhance their physical proprieties. They are used as a plasticizer in plastics to increase durability.

In 2017, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission banned certain phthalates in children’s plastic toys out of health concerns. European countries have been more aggressive banning them in consumer products than have U.S. regulators.

Under the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA), the FDA requires ingredients in cosmetics sold in retail to be listed on the label. Consumers can tell to some degree if products contain phthalates by reading the ingredient list on the label.

Regulations require disclosure of phthalates used as ingredients in cosmetics, but there is no disclosure of phthalates that can leach out of packaging or if phthalates are used in ingredients like fragrances. The contents of fragrances are generally trade secrets, so manufacturers don’t have to disclose what’s in it.

Diethyl Phthalate (DEP) is a solvent and fixative commonly used in fragrances.

Our Fragrances

Some iterations of deodorme contain short lived fragrances from natural plant sources that do not contain phthalates.

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