You don't stink! When you think you do, it's not you. It's your bacteria. Unlike any other deodorant, deodorme uses nature's ways to to keep the bacteria in check without killing everything it touches - which is you, your armpits, and your bacteria.
Killing them is the last thing you want to do. Just don’t let them eat enough to make you stink.
We have products for other stinky places too, but Original de•odor•meTM is specifically formulated for the number ONE offending body part.
According to Wikipedia, “In humans, the formation of body odor happens mostly in the armpit.” We have conducted our own studies with Maya, our mascot Doberman, and she confirms that armpits are the worst.
This is Maya. She is our mascot and inspiration. She inspires us because her excellent nose tells us that there are odors that most of us cannot detect.
Maya has never taken a bath, at least on purpose.
She once fell into the swimming pool, but she did not enjoy it and has never repeated the experience. Nor does she like her feet washed.
Our imperfect noses do not detect an objectionable odor emanating from Maya, except for flatulence. Doberman flatulence is a story for another time.
We test on humans. Maya confirms that humans have offensive odors that are eliminated by using deodorme.
Our human subjects have gone for a week at a time without bathing. No complaints from anyone.
Many places in the world suffer from water shortages. Excessive showering/bathing is a habit, not a necessity.
A biome is the community of microorganisms that inhabit every square inch of your insides and outside. Harsh detergents and antiperspirants harm your healthy bacteria. Don't poison them. Your immune system has made peace with them. Let them act as a first line of defense against harmful invaders.
Perspiration is necessary for health. It helps keep your body temperature normal. When you perspire, your bacteria can grow too quickly and consume components of healthy sweat. It's their waste products that stink! de•odor•me doesn't kill your healthy bacteria. It just changes their diet and slows the population explosion.
deodorgen inc. is a United States Company specializing in products that harnesses the human biome for health and social signaling.